Monday, January 27, 2020
Exhaustion Online with regard to Database in the EU
Exhaustion Online with regard to Database in the EU Sandro Sandrià EXHAUSTION Before explaining exhaustion online with regard to database in the Europeanà Union, we should first start by explaining what exhaustion in an Intellectual Propertyà context is. 1. a) Definition The exhaustion of intellectual property rights is one of the limits of Intellectualà Property (IP) Law. After a product has been sold under the authorization of the IP owner,à the reselling, rental, lending and other third party commercial uses of IP-protected goods inà domestic and international markets is protected by the principle. Once a product is coveredà by an IP right, such as by a patent right, has been sold by the Intellectual Property rightà owner or by others with the consent of the owner, the Intellectual Property right is said toà be exhausted. It can no longer be exercised by the owner. This limitation is also referred toà as the Exhaustion Doctrine or First Sale Doctrine. For example, if an inventor obtains aà patent on a new kind of umbrella, the inventor (or anyone else to whom he sells his patent)à can legally prohibit other companies from making and selling this kind of umbrella, butà cannot prohibit customers who have bought this umbrella from the patent owner fromà reselling the umbrella to third parties. There is a fairly broad consensus throughout theà world that this applies at least within the context of the domestic market. This is theà concept of National Exhaustion. However, there is less consensus as to what extent theà sale of an Intellectual Property protected product abroad can exhaust the IP rights over thisà product in the context of domestic law. This is the concept of Regional exhaustion orà International Exhaustion. The rules and legal implications of the exhaustion largely differà depending on the country of importation, i.e. the national jurisdiction.à The paternity of the exhaustion theory is ascribed to the German jurist Josephà Kohler.2 The word Ãâà ´exhaustion` seems, however, to have been first used by the Germanà Reichsgreicht in a number of judgments in the early years of the twentieth century. In aà judgment of 26 March 1902 the Reichsgericht held, for example, that the effect of theà protection conferred by a patent (i.e. the exclusive right to manufacture products coveredà with regard to Database in the European Unionà by the patent and to put them on the market) was exhausted by the first sale.3 In otherà words, once the patent holder had transferred legal ownership of goods made inà accordance with the patent, by selling them to another person, he lost the power to controlà the further destiny of those goods subsequently. 1. b) Exhaustion in the European Unionà The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has taken serious steps to harmonize the rulesà of a Community-wide/regional exhaustion doctrine in the field of copyright law since theà 1970s. Schovsbo called the harmonization by the ECJ as 1.-phase development ofà exhaustion or negative harmonization, and the creation of directives by the competentà bodies of the EEC (and later the EU) as 2.-phase development or positiveà harmonization. The first-ever decision on the exhaustion of distribution rights was handed over inà the famous Deutsche Grammophon case. Here, the ECJ based its decision on differentà objectives of the EEC Treaty: the prohibition of partitioning of the market, free movementà of goods, as well as the prohibition of distortions of competition in the common market.à The European Court of Justice highlighted that prohibitions and restrictions on tradeà might be applied by Member States, also in cases of copyright law, if they do not constituteà a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade between Memberà States6. Based upon these, the European Court of Justice concluded that [i]f a right relatedà to copyright is relied upon to prevent the marketing in a Member State of productsà distributed by the holder of the right or with his consent on the territory of anotherà Member State on the sole ground that such distribution did not take place on the nationalà territory, such a prohibition, which would legitimize the isolation of national markets,à would be repugnant to the essential purpose of the Treaty, which is to unite nationalà markets into a single market. That purpose could not be attained if, under the various legalà systems of the Member States, nationals of those States were able to partition th e marketà and bring about arbitrary discrimination or disguised restrictions on trade between Memberà States. Consequently, it would be in conflict with the provisions prescribing the free movement of products within the common market for a manufacturer of sound recordings to exercise the exclusive right to distribute the protected articles, conferred upon him byà the legislation of a Member State, in such a way as to prohibit the sale in that State ofà products placed on the market by him or with his consent in another Member State solelyà because such distribution did not occur within the territory of the first Member State.7à In the EU, the principle of exhaustion of IP rights is as follows. The holder of anà Intellectual Property right loses his absolute right with the first sale in the EU territory. Inà other words, the first commercialization of a good in a territory of the European Unionà made by the holder of an industrial property right, or by a legitimate licensee, has as aà consequence that that good may freely circulate in Europe, and the legitimate IP holderà may not oppose the successive acts of reselling. Using the wording of the Centrafarm Case:à It cannot be reconciled with the principles of free movement of goods under theà provisions of the Treaty of Rome if a patentee exercises his rights under the legalà provisions of one Member State to prevent marketing of a patented product in said Stateà when the patented product has been brought into circulation in another Member State byà the patentee or with his consent Again, this is a good example of the function of the lawà as a system to solve conflicts: on one side the traditional principle of territoriality of IPà rights; on the other side the aspiration to a common market in favour of internationalà trade. The aim of the exhaustion theory is to strike a balance between the free movementà of goods on the one hand, and the proprietors exercise of exclusive intellectual propertyà rights to distribute his goods on the other hand. The holder of an IP right holds thereforeà the right to choose where, under which conditions and at which price his goods are put onà the market for the first time. No need to say that international exhaustion allows parallelà imports. The theory of exhaustion obviously improved in the course of time. In order to beà applicable, various conditions have to be met. It requires the consent of the legitimateà holder (consent that may be express or implied). And it also requires that the legitimateà holder receives, with the first sale, a reasonable remuneration. Depending on theà jurisdiction concerned, one often distinguishes between national exhaustion andà international exhaustion. In the European Union the term regional exhaustion isà frequently used. Regional exhaustion, in the EU member States, means that IP rights areà considered exhausted for the territory of the EEA when the product has been put on theà market in any of the EEA Member States.à Once the principle of exhaustion was established, the EU Law incorporated it inà regulations, directives and conventions. For example, art. 7 n. 1 of the First Councilà Directive of 21 December 1988 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating toà trade marks (89/104/EEC states that The trade mark shall not entitle the proprietor toà prohibit its use in relation to goods which have been put on the market in the Communityà under that trade mark by the proprietor or with his consent9. Art. 13 of the Councilà regulation (EC) n. 207/2009 of 26 February 2009 on the Community trade mark states thatà A Community trade mark shall not entitle the proprietor to prohibit its use in relation toà goods which have been put on the market in the Community under that trade mark by theà proprietor or with his consent10.à The Information Society Directive (Directive 2001/29/EC) on the harmonizationà of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society refers to thisà principle in paragraph 28 and 29. The Directive is a little old in relation to the high speedà of technology, but is still there.11à 1. c) The principle of exhaustion in EU Case Lawà In Germany, the German Supreme Court (BGH) has repeatedly acknowledged theà exhaustion principle as a precautionary principle for the entire IP law (BGH, 22 Januaryà 1964, Maja Case; BGH, 10 April 1997, Sermion II Case).à In France a large number of decisions were reported to deal with the exhaustionà principle (Commercial Chamber of the Court of Cassation, 9 April 2002 nÃâà ° 99/15428,à Cass. Com., 20 February 2007, nÃâà ° 05/11088; Cass. Com., 26 February 2008, nÃâà ° 05/19087;à Cass. Com., 7 April 2009, nÃâà ° 08/13378; CA Paris, 15 June 2011, nÃâà ° 2009/12305).à In Austria the principle of exhaustion within the EU was applied even before it wasà explicitly mentioned in the Austrian Trade Mark Act (Austrian Supreme Court October 15,à 1996).à 9 89/104/EEC First Council Directive of 21 December 1988 to approximate the laws of the Member Statesà relating to trade marksà 10 COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 207/2009à 11 Directive 2001/29/ECà Exhaustion Online with regard to Database in the European Union 2- DATABASEà The protection of electronic databases was first considered by the EC Commissionà in the 1998 Green Paper. An initial proposal was adopted on January 29, 1992, and wasà greeted, at least in the United Kingdom (which has the largest database industry in theà Community) by a considerable degree of opposition, due to the perceived reduction inà protection for many factual and numerical databases.12à Regarding the concept of database, we should say that it is a collection ofà independent works, data or other materials arranged in a systematic or methodical way andà individually accessible by electronic or other means which can include literary, artistic,à musical or other collections of works or collections of other material such as texts, sound,à images, numbers, facts.13 Databases in the European Union are regulated through Directiveà 96/9/EC, also known as the Database Directive. It is an European Union Directive in theà field of Intellectual Property Law, made under the internal market provisions of the Treatyà of Rome. It harmonizes the treatment of databases under copyright law and the sui generisà right for the creators of databases which do not qualify for copyright.à The exhaustion principle does not allow the reproduction of data. The Germanà Supreme Court has confirmed this: it held that if there is extraction of a substantial part ofà the database, there is no exhaustion as exhaustion covers the right of distribution and notà extraction.14 Online electronic databases cannot benefit from the exhaustion principle. Theà database must have been sold. If it is given free of charge, the principle of exhaustion doesà not apply. The CJEU held this to be so in the field of trademarks in Peak Holding v Axolin-à Elinor and later confirmed it in LOreal v eBay.15 There is no reason why these decisionsà would not apply here by analogy as the term used in Article 7(2)(b) is sale. The sameà applies to Article 5(c) in the copyright chapter of the Database Directive.à Article 7 furthermore specifies acts of temporary or ephemeral copying asà extraction.112 In contrast to the initial draft, which required a commercial intention,à 12 E.C. Intellectual Property Materials, Sweet Maxwells, 1994, 1 (F) Amended Proposals of 4 October 1993à for a Council Directive on the legal protection of databases (COM (93) 464 final SYN 393) [1993] O.J.à C308/1, p. 36 13 Article 7(1) DDir (96/9/EC)à 14 Marktstudien (Market Surveys), 21 April 2005, Case I ZR 1/02[2005] GRUR 940; [2006] IIC 489à 15 Case C-16/03 Peak Holding v Axolin-Elinor [2004] ECR I-11313 and Case C-324/09 LOreal v eBay [2011]à ETMR 52à Exhaustion Online with regard to Database in the European Unionà consent is required for loading a database into a computer RAM, as this will copy the entireà database. The consequences of prohibiting acts of temporary or even ephemeral copies à such as caching is an inconsistency between online and offline databases. Whereas anà offline database such as a CD-ROM or a smaller database technically requires RAMà storage of a substantial part, accessing a large online database normally merely requires theà copy of the entries accessed to be copied.16à Exhaustion only applies to databases in tangible format. If someone lawfullyà acquired a tangible copy of the databases, the right holder will not be able to control itsà resale within the European Union. However, in two cases, there will arguably not beà exhaustion. The reason is the use of the narrow word sale and resale. First, there will notà be exhaustion when the right holder gave rather than sold the database. In this case, theà right to control distribution remains. Thus, the sale of a copy of a database distributedà freely by the maker, may infringe.17 The second case is when the purchaser wishes to giveà the database instead of reselling it. It seems that, in that case, the gift of the database by theà person who acquired it can also be controlled by the right holder.à It must be noted that, in a recent case, 18the Versailles Court of Appeal surprisinglyà held that, for a database producer to benefit from her rights of extraction and reutilization,à she must have asserted it previously, before any infringement act is committed. Theà mention of the interdiction to extract or reutilize contents from the database becomes aà condition of opposability of the sui generis right granted to the database maker by Article L.à 342-2 of the IPC. The claimant lost her case since she did not make such mention on theà website she created. This decision seems to add a condition which does not exist in theà Directive. The sui generis right is not dependant on any formality.à Two German courts held that the creation of deep links is not an infringement ofà the sui generis right19. This is not surprising since it is difficult to see how a deep link is an actà of extraction or reutilization.à Under Article 3, databases which, by reason of the selection or arrangement ofà their contents, constitute the authors own intellectual creation are protected by copyrightà 16 Guido Westkamp, Protecting databases under US and European law methodical approaches to theà protection of investments between unfair competition and intellectual property concepts, 2003à 17 Bently Sherman 2004, p. 303à 18 Rojo R. v Guy R., CA Versailles, 18 November 2004, available onà 19 SV on line GmbH v Net-Clipping, OLG Munich, 9 November, 2000 [2001] ZUM 255; Handelsblatt v Paperboy,à OLG Cologne, 27 October 2000 [2001] ZUM 414; BGH, 17 July 2003 [2003] Cri.à as collections: no other criterion may be used by Member States. This may be a relaxationà of the criterion for protection of collections in the Berne Convention for the Protection ofà Literary and Artistic Works,[2] which covers collections of literary and artistic works andà requires creativity in the selection and arrangement of the contents: in practice theà difference is likely to be slight. Any copyright in the database is separate from and withoutà prejudice to the copyright in the entries.à Copyright protection is not available for databases which aim to be complete,à that is where the entries are selected by objective criteria: these are covered by suià generis database rights. While copyright protects the creativity of an author, database rightsà specifically protect the qualitatively and/or quantitatively [a] substantial investment inà either the obtaining, verification or presentation of the contents: if there has not beenà substantial investment (which need not be financial), the database will not be protectedà [Art. 7(1)]. Database rights are held in the first instance by the person or corporation whichà made the substantial investment, so long as: the person is a national or domiciliary of aà Member State or the corporation is formed according to the laws of a Member State andà has its registered office or principal place of business within the European Union.à The holder of database rights may prohibit the extraction and/or re-utilization ofà the whole or of a substantial part of the contents: the substantial part is evaluatedà qualitatively and/or quantitatively and reutilization is subject to the exhaustion of rights.à Public lending is not an act of extraction or re-utilization. The lawful user of a databaseà which is available to the public may freely extract and/or re-use insubstantial parts of theà database (Art. 8): the holder of database rights may not place restrictions of the purpose toà which the insubstantial parts are used. However, users may not perform acts whichà conflict with normal exploitation of the database or unreasonably prejudice the legitimateà interests of the maker of the database, nor prejudice any copyright in the entries. Theà same limitations may be provided to database rights as to copyright in databases (Art. 9):à extraction for private purposes of the contents of a non-electronic database; extraction forà the purposes of illustration for teaching or scientific research, as long as the source isà indicated and to the extent justified by the non-commercial purpose to be achieved;à extraction and/or re-utilization for the purposes of public security or an administrative orà judicial procedure. Database rights last for fifteen years from the end of the year that the database wasà made available to the public, or from the end of the year of completion for privateà databases (Art. 10). Any substantial change which could be considered to be a substantialà new investment will lead to a new term of database rights, which could, in principle, beà perpetual. Database rights are independent of any copyright in the database, and the twoà could, in principle, be held by different people (especially in jurisdictions which prohibità the corporate ownership of copyright): as such, database rights can be compared to theà rights of phonogram and film producers.20à 3- CONCLUSION The idea of digital first sale doctrine imploded into the mainstream copyrightà discussion only a few years ago, although it has already been discussed for almost twoà decades. The problem was reflected by academia, case law and legislature as well. Althoughà notable sources take the view that the concept of digital exhaustion deserves support, theà majority of commentators refused to accept this idea. Likewise, legislative proposals thatà were submitted to the German Bundestag and the Congress of the United States, wereà ultimately refused by the relevant national parliaments (or were not even discussed by them).à Under the traditional, positivist vision of copyright law, any similar ideas are condemned toà death at the moment, especially in the light of the WCT Agreed Statement. Similarly, theà CJEUs constructive interpretation of the international and regional copyright norms led toà flawed argumentation. However, significant economic, social and technological argumentsà support the view that it is time to reconsider at international legislative level.à It looks like it is time to adapt the principle of exhaustion on an online perspective.à Technology goes faster than law, so when the law goes a step forward, a new problemà arises. Streaming and cloud computing are good examples. The majority of Reportsà acknowledge the problems, and underline various aspects. The first is that the principle ofà exhaustion of intellectual property rights was elaborated and developed in a time whenà goods and services were mainly material and sold and distributed through material andà traditional channels. This approach is overturned by the new technologies. The second isà that it is no longer possible to distinguish, as far as the principle of exhaustion isà concerned, but also in general, among industrial property and intellectual property.à Copyright is expanding. The third is that it is more and more difficult to separate andà distinguish traditional industry and online industry as well as material and immaterial goodsà 20 Intellectual Property Law, Trevor Cook, 2010à Exhaustion Online with regard to Database in the European Unionà and services. The majority of the Reports are of the opinion that on-line infringement ofà intellectual property rights is normally dealt with the ordinary rules of civil procedure, andà that there is no particular necessity of elaborating new ones. The difficulties of enforcingà decisions abroad against foreign on line infringers in copyright cases are the usual ones,à common in the legal praxis when a decision must be enforced against foreign infringers.21à Dennis S. Karjalas thoughts serve as a great point to finish with. He stressed thatà either we believe in the first-sale doctrine in the digital age or we do not. If we no longerà believe in it, we should discard it openly and not through verbal gymnastics interpreting theà definition of copy for the purposes of the statutes reproduction right. Nor should ourà definition of copy force systems engineers into unduly intricate or artificial designs simplyà to protect the right of the owner of a copy of a music file to transfer that file, provided thatà no copies derived from the transferred file are retained.22à 21 To what extent does the principle of exhaustion of IP rights apply to the on-line industry? Avv. Prof.à Vincenzo Franceschelli, 2014.à 22 Dennis S. Karjala: Copying and Piracy in the Digital Age, Washburn Law Journal, 2013: p. 255.à Exhaustion Online with regard to Database in the European Unionà BIBLIOGRAPHY à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Bently Sherman 2004, p. 303 à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · David T. Keeling, Intellectual Property Rights in EU Law Volume 1 à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Dennis S. Karjala: Copying and Piracy in the Digital Age, Washburn Law Journal, 2013 à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Guido Westkamp, Protecting databases under US and European law methodical approaches to the protection of investments between unfair competition and intellectual property concepts, 2003 à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Jens Schovsbo: The Exhaustion of Rights and Common Principles of European Intellectual Property Law. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Sweet Maxwells, E.C. Intellectual Property Materials à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · T. de las Heras Lorenzo, El agotamiento del derecho de marca, Editorial Montecorvo, Madrid, 1994, p. 47; à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Trevor Cook, Intellectual Property Law, 2010 à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Vincenzo Franceschelli, To what extent does the principle of exhaustion of IP rights apply to the on-line industry? 2014. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Centrafarm B.V. and Adriaan de Peijper v. Sterling Drug Inc., in 6 IIC 102 (1975). à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · 89/104/EEC First Council Directive of 21 December 1988 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft mbH v Metro-SB-Großmà ¤rkte GmbH Co. KG. 8 June 1971, European Court Reports à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Guajakol-Karbonat RGZ 51, 139. à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · LOreal v eBay à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Marktstudien (Market Surveys), 21 April 2005, Case I ZR 1/02[2005] GRUR 940; [2006] IIC 489 à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Peak Holding v Axolin-Elinor à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Rojo R. v Guy R., CA Versailles, 18 November 2004, available on à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 207/2009 à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · Directive 2001/29/EC à ¯Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã · International Exhaustion and Parallel Importation 1 International Exhaustion and Parallel Importation 2 T. de las Heras Lorenzo, El agotamiento del derecho de marca, Editorial Montecorvo, Madrid, 1994, p. 47; F.-K.à Beier, Ãâà ´Grenzen der Erschà ¶pfungslehre im Markenrecht; zur Beurteilung des Vertriebs umgepackter und neuà gekennzeichtner Originawaren in den Là ¤ndern der Europà ¤ischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft.à Exhaustion Onlineà 3 Guajakol-Karbonat RGZ 51, 139. 4 Intellectual Property Rights in EU Law Volume 1, David T. Keeling, p. 75-76 5 Jens Schovsbo: The Exhaustion of Rights and Common Principles of European Intellectual Property Law. In: Ansgar Ohly: Common Principles of European Intellectual Property Law, Mohr Siebeck, Tà ¼bingen, 2010: p. 170. 6 Case 78/70 Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft mbH v Metro-SB-Großmà ¤rkte GmbH Co. KG., 8 June 1971, European Court Reports, 1971: pp. 499 500., para. 5-11. Compare to Article 36 of the EEC Treaty. On the application of Article 36 of the EEC Treaty see: Nial Fennelly: Rules and Exceptions: Freedom of Movement and Intellectual Property Rights in the European Union. In: Hugh C. Hansen: International Intellectual Property Law Policy, Volume 5, Juris Publishing, Huntington, 2003: pp. 33-4 33-11. Exhaustion Online with regard to Database in the European Union 7 Case 78/70, supra note 64, p. 500., para. 12-13.à 8 verbatim Centrafarm B.V. and Adriaan de Peijper v. Sterling Drug Inc., in 6 IIC 102 (1975).à Exhaustion Online with regard to Database in the European UnionÃ
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